Zin Linn, Jul 05, 2013
The Printing and Publishing Enterprise
Bill submitted by the Ministry of Information with amendments was
approved at Thursday’s Lower House of Parliament session, the state-run
New Light of Myanmar newspaper reported today.
“As the fourth pillar, the media play an
essential part in the democratization processes. I am also a former
media person and still contribute an article every Monday for the
Yangon Times Daily. The government needs to protect the media and its
freedom. This law can protect publishers. However, we need to do our
best to upgrade media law up to an international standard,” said Thein
Nyunt of Thingangyun Constituency.
The Lower House approved the
controversial Printing and Publishing Enterprise Draft Law, even though
members of the interim press council argue that the bill still includes
measures that hinder media freedom. However, the bill has many
Khaing Maung Yi of Ahlon Constituency
said, “The press bill is urgently needed. It is essential for the
smooth functioning of publishing business enterprises. The bill
willbring benefits to people, printers and publishers.”
According to Democratic Voice of Burma,
Interim Press Council member Zaw Thet Htwe said the press body is
holding an emergency meeting on Friday in response to the Lower House’s
approval of the draft media law.
journalists, along with the Committee For Freedom of Press (Myanmar)
gathered at a media workshop at the Yuzana Garden Hotel in Yangon on
March 12 calling on the government to revoke the draft Printing and
Publishing Bill. (Photo: Committee For Freedom of Press (Myanmar)
“During negotiations with the Ministry
of Information, we pointed out clauses [that would limit press freedom]
and we learnt that those clauses were still included in the draft law
that was approved by the Lower House today,” said Zaw Thet Htwe. “This
means that the negotiations and discussions we had with the [ministry]
were fruitless and this can hurt the cooperation between the Press
Council and the Ministry of Information in the future. So we are going
to talk with the Press Council members about how to deal with this.”
With the Lower House’s amendments, the
draft law will have to pass on to Upper House for endorsement. If both
Houses have the same opinion on the bill, then the Union Parliament has
the power to enforce the draft legislation into law.
After the Ministry of Information
submitted the draft law in February, journalists and watchdog agencies
unleashed heavy criticism of the bill for containing provisions that
pushed authoritarian measures that would allow for the continuation of
In March this year, three media groups –
MJA, MJN and MJU – protested against the draft Printing and Publishing
Law. It was drawn up by the Ministry of Information (MOI) submitted to
Parliament on 27 February, 2013. They protested because MOI did not
consult with media stakeholders before it put forward the draft bill to
the House.
Several journalists, along with the ‘Committee For Freedom of Press (Myanmar)’,
gathered at a media workshop at the Yuzana Garden Hotel in Yangon on
March 12 calling on the government to revoke the drafted Printing and
Publishing Bill.
The MOl’s draft bill strengthens
government control over print media freedom. Many journalists say that
it is no different from the 1962 Printers and Publishers Registration
The President Thein Sein government
wants to keep the country under limited or guided democracy while the
greater part of population desires a genuine democratic change. Citizens
continue to demand freedom of expression and association while the
government is vetoing the people’s basic rights. Free press has had no
chance so far in Burma.
The Southeast Asian Press Alliance
(SEAPA) says in its press freedom report (2013), “To date, there is not
much tangible proof of media reform, apart from the dissolution of the
Press Scrutiny and Registration Division, and the publication of private
news dailies that began on April 1, 2013.”
International media watchdog groups have
repeatedly urged authorities of Burma to revoke unethical laws
governing freedom of expression. The government still needs to dump the
1962 Printers and Publishers Registration Law, the 1950 Emergency
Provisions Act, article 505-B of the criminal code, the 1996 Television
and Video Act, the 1996 Computer Science Development Act, the 1923
Officials Secrets Act and the 1933 Burma Wireless Telegraphy Act, which
are still menacing press freedom.
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